Page 29 - All India Magazine Dec-2024
P. 29
you see; well, if you don’t pass it or turn your back upon it, if you
go away instead of passing it, you will have to pass it another time
and it will be much more difficult than before.
Now people, you know, are extremely ignorant and they think
that it is like this: there is life, and then death; life is a bunch of
troubles, and then death is an eternal peace. But it is not at all
like that. And usually when one goes out of life in an altogether
arbitrary way and in an ignorant and obscure passion, one goes
straight into a vital world made of all these passions and all this
ignorance. So the troubles one wanted to avoid one finds again
without even having the protection which the body gives, for — if
you have ever had a nightmare, that is, a rash excursion in the
vital world, well, your remedy is to wake yourself up, that is to
say, to rush back immediately into your body. But when you have
destroyed your body you no longer have a body to protect you.
So you find yourself in a perpetual nightmare, which is not very
pleasant. For, to avoid the nightmare you must be in a psychic
consciousness, and when you are in a psychic consciousness you
may be quite sure that things won’t trouble you. It is indeed the
movement of an ignorant darkness and, as I said, a great coward-
ice in front of the sustained effort to be made.
Beginning with the idiot who kills himself to “put an end” to his
life (this of course is, of all the idiocies, the most idiotic; it makes
one’s case still worse), starting from there right up to Nirvana
(where one imagines one is able to escape), all that, all that is
worth nothing. They are all at different levels, but all are worth
CWM 15: 128, 127; 7: 23-24; 11: 179 The Mother
All India Magazine, December 2024 29