Page 25 - All India Magazine Dec-2024
P. 25
Old Age and Death
Q: If a person feels that his work is over in this life and that he has noth-
ing more to offer, wouldn’t it be better for him to die and be born again
instead of dragging out an aimless existence?
This is what the unsatisfied ego asks itself when it finds that things
are not going as it desires.
But someone who belongs to the Divine and wants to live in
the truth knows that the Divine will keep him on earth as long as
He perceives his usefulness on earth and will make him leave the
earth when he has nothing more to do there. So the question can-
not arise, and he will live quietly in the certitude of the Divine’s
supreme wisdom.
Q: You wrote yesterday: “But someone who belongs to the Di-
vine....” Doesn’t everyone, whoever he is, belong to the Divine?
When I say, “someone who belongs to the Divine”, I mean a being
who has abolished the ego within himself, who is constantly con-
scious of the Divine, who no longer has any personal will, who acts
only under the divine impulsion and who has no other aim than to
do what the Divine wants him to do.
I do not think there are many people in this state. And cer-
tainly these people will never worry whether their life is useful or
not, since they exist only for and by the Divine and no longer have
any personal life.
So long as we are in a body, whatever its age and difficulties, it
is certain that we have something to do or learn in it, and this
conviction gives the necessary strength to face all vicissitudes. ...
One must not be in a hurry and hasten the departure, even if it
is for the eternal repose or the beatitude of nothingness. As long
All India Magazine, December 2024 25