Page 21 - All India Magazine Jan-2025
P. 21
As long as I was physically present among you all, my pres-
ence was helping you to achieve this mastery over the ego and so
it was not necessary for me to speak to you about it individually
very often.
But now this effort must become the basis of each individual's
existence, more especially for those of you who have a respon-
sible position and have to take care of others. The leaders must
always set the example, the leaders must always practise the vir-
tues they demand from those who are in their care; they must be
understanding, patient, enduring, full of sympathy and warm and
friendly goodwill, not out of egoism to win friends for themselves,
but out of generosity to be able to understand and help others.
To forget oneself, one's own likings and preferences, is indis-
pensable in order to be a true leader.
That is what I am asking of you now, so that you can face your
responsibilities as you should. And then you will find that where
you used to feel disorder and disunity, they have vanished, and
harmony, peace and joy have taken their place.
You know that I love you and that I am always with you to
sustain you, help you and show you the way.
Spending holidays
Sweet Mother, Some children ask me what is the best way of spend-
ing their holidays here.
It is an excellent opportunity to do some interesting work, to
learn something new or develop some weak point in their nature
or their studies.
It is an excellent opportunity to choose some occupation free-
ly and thus discover the true capacities of their being.
All India Magazine, January 2025 21