Page 19 - All India Magazine Sep-2024
P. 19
rule, ideas that are halflights wearing the garb of Truth, ideals
formed by the mind as a result of a growing but still imperfect
intuition and experience. Whenever the mental life prevails
and the bodily diminishes its brute insistence, man the mental
being feels pushed by the urge of mental Nature to mould in
the sense of the idea or the ideal the life of the individual, and
in the end even the vaguer more complex life of the society
is forced to undergo this subtle process. In the spiritual life,
or when a higher power than Mind has manifested and taken
possession of the nature, these limited motive-forces recede,
dwindle, tend to disappear. The spiritual or supramental Self,
the Divine Being, the supreme and immanent Reality, must be
alone the Lord within us and shape freely our final development
according to the highest, widest, most integral expression pos-
sible of the law of our nature. In the end that nature acts in the
perfect Truth and its spontaneous freedom; for it obeys only
the luminous power of the Eternal. The individual has nothing
further to gain, no desire to fulfil; he has become a portion of
the impersonality or the universal personality of the Eternal. No
other object than the manifestation and play of the Divine Spir-
it in life and the maintenance and conduct of the world in its
march towards the divine goal can move him to action. Mental
ideas, opinions, constructions are his no more; for his mind has
fallen into silence, it is only a channel for the Light and Truth of
the divine knowledge. Ideals are too narrow for the vastness of
his spirit; it is the ocean of the Infinite that flows through him
and moves him for ever.
CWSA 23: 208-09 Sri Aurobindo
When naked of ego and mind it hears the Voice;
It looks through light to ever greater light
And sees Eternity ensphering Life.
Savitri: 272 Sri Aurobindo
All India Magazine, September 2024 19