Page 15 - All India Magazine Feb-2025
P. 15
Beyond Good and Evil
From my earliest childhood, instinctively, I have never felt the
slightest contempt or ... how should I say ... (well, well! I was think-
ing in English) shrinking or disapproval, severe criticism or disgust
for the things people call vice.
I have experienced all kinds of things in life, but I have always
felt a sort of light — so intangible, So perfectly pure (not in the
moral sense, but pure light!) — and it could go anywhere, mix ev-
erywhere without ever really getting mixed with anything. I felt
this flame as a young child — a white flame. And never have I felt
disgust, contempt, recoil, the sense of being dirtied—by anything
or anyone. There was always this flame—white, white, so white
that nothing could make it other than white. And I started feeling
it long ago in the past (now my approach is entirely different—it
comes straight from above, and I have other reasons for seeing
the Purity in everything). But it came back when I met Z (because
of the contact with him)—and I felt nothing negative, absolutely
nothing. Afterwards, people said, 'Oh, how he used to be this, how
he used to be that! ... And now look at him! See what he's be-
come! ...' Someone even used the word 'rotten'—that made me
smile. Because, you see, that doesn't exist for me.
What I saw is this world, this realm where people are like that,
they live that, for it's necessary to get out from below and this is
a way — it's a way, the only way. It was the only way for the vital
formation and the vital creation to enter into the material world,
into inert matter. An intellectualised vital, a vital of ideas, an 'art-
ist'; it even fringes upon or has the first drops of Poetry—this Po-
etry which upon its peaks goes beyond the mind and becomes an
expression of the Spirit. Well, when these first drops fall on earth,
it stirs up mud.
And I wondered why people are so rigid and severe, why they
condemn others (but one day I'll understand this as well). I say
All India Magazine, February 2025 15