Page 12 - All India Magazine Jul-2024
P. 12

naturally assume considerable proportions in those distorted con-
        sciousnesses: they say, "Oh, now everything is fine," and then,
        "Oh, now everything is going wrong," but that's not true! It's al-
        ways the same thing, only with little nuances.
            But the true everything is fine, the true thing as it is, is so sim-
        ple! So simple, so quiet, so immediate, so direct that it's almost un-
        thinkable for human thought, much less for human sensation. Voilà.
                            The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, May 29, 1963

        Ordinary human attitude
            It's a rather amusing sensation, a combination of sensation
        and feeling, that the ordinary human attitude towards things mul-
        tiplies and magnifies the difficulties to fantastic proportions; while
        if they simply had the true attitude — a normal attitude, quite sim-
        ple, uncomplicated — ahh, all life would be much easier. For the
        body feels the vibrations (those very vibrations which concentrate
        to form a body), it feels their nature and sees that its 'normal' re-
        action, a peaceful and confident reaction, makes things so much
        easier! But as soon as this agitation of anxiety, fear, discontent
        comes in, the reaction of a will that 'doesn't want any of it'... oh,
        right away it becomes like water boiling: pff! pff! pff! like a ma-
        chine. While if the difficulty is accepted with confidence and sim-
        plicity, it's reduced to its minimum, and I mean purely materially,
        in the material vibration itself.
                        The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, February 25, 1961

        Simplicity and freedom
            The best one can do is not to have any prejudices or precon-
        ceived ideas or principles — oh, moral principles, fixed codes of
        conduct, "what must be done" and "what must not be done," and
        preconceived ideas with regard to morals, with regard to progress,
        and then all the social and mental conventions — there's no ob-
        stacle worse than that. I know people who wasted dozens of years

        12                               All India Magazine , July 2024
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