Page 8 - All India Magazine Jul-2024
P. 8

A rich all-embracing simplicity
            In other words, Nature, or rather Nature in its effort towards
        expression, was compelled to have recourse to an unbelievable,
        almost endless complexity in order to reproduce the original Sim-
            It brings us back to the same thing: it is that excess of com-
        plexity which makes possible a simplicity that isn't empty — a rich
        simplicity. An all-embracing simplicity, whereas without those
        complexities, simplicity is empty.
            This has been my experience these last few days.
            They are making discoveries like that. In anatomy, for in-
        stance, they are making discoveries for surgical treatments that
        are unbelievably intricate! It's the same for their division of Mat-
        ter's constituents — a frightful intricacy! And all that is with the
        view and endeavor to express Oneness, the one Simplicity — the
        divine state.
            Maybe it will go fast.... But the question boils down to a suf-
        ficient aspiration, sufficiently intense and effective to attract That
        which can transform all this: complication into Simplicity, cruelty
        into Love... and so forth.
            It's no use complaining and saying it's a pity things are that
        way. They are the way they are. Why?... When things are no longer
        that way, we'll probably know why. Or to put it differently: if we
        knew why, they would no longer be that way.
            So speculations such as, "It would have been better if it had
        not existed," and so on, are all impractical — irrelevant, absolutely
            We should hasten to do what we have to do to put an end to
        it, that's all, that's the only practical thing.
            For the body, it's very interesting. But it's a mountain,  you
        see! A mountain of apparently tiny experiences, but in such large
        numbers that they become sizable.
                            The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, May 15, 1963

        8                                All India Magazine , July 2024
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