Page 5 - All India Magazine Jul-2024
P. 5

Simplicity: A Divine Quality

        True spirituality
            I get ten-page letters telling me "spiritual experiences" —
        which are completely in the vital. They don't understand a thing.
        Even in Auroville they're like that, they don't understand.
            So I wrote... (Mother tries to recall) what did I write?... I don't
        remember. True spirituality... I know I put simplicity. "True spiritual-
        ity" in big letters.
            I should have put true spirituality is very simple! (Mother laughs)
        That's even better.
                           The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, March 6, 1971

        Divine Omnipotence
            Just these last few days (because of all kinds of things —
        people, and things that happen), I have been increasingly seeing
        that the human concept of divine Omnipotence is the concept of
        an omnipotence which would operate without rhyme or reason,
        through a succession of whims, any old how — that's what people
        call "Omnipotence": being able to do the most stupid things at
            Obviously, that doesn't quite conform to a higher Harmony(!)
        Yet human beings are like that: if the god they worship or the
        divine they want to manifest isn't willing to do, to execute what-
        ever comes into their heads in a totally incoherent and arbitrary
        way, he isn't all-powerful!
            I am magnifying it to make it more easily perceptible; it's not
        like that: they deceive themselves (if you tell them that, they pro-
        test), but they deceive themselves, and it comes down to what
        I've just said.
            When you succeed in going into that Consciousness of Har-
        mony (but not an individual or local harmony), a Universal Har-

        All India Magazine, July 2024                            5
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