Page 10 - All India Magazine Feb-2025
P. 10
You know, it's a marvelous, marvelous grace to have had this
experience so constantly, so powerfully, like something holding
out against everything, everything: this Presence. And in my out-
ward consciousness, a total negation of it all. Even later on, I used
to say, 'Well, if God exists, he's a real scoundrel! He's a wretch and
I want nothing to do with this Creator of ours....' You know, the
idea of God sitting placidly in his heaven, creating the world and
amusing himself by watching it, then telling you, 'How well done!'
'Oh!' I said, 'I want nothing to do with that monster!'
The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, April 29, 1961
The vibration of pure Love
For me, the most concrete approach to this is through the vi-
bration of pure Love; not love for something, a love you give or
receive, but Love in itself: Love. It is something self-existent. And it
is certainly the most concrete approach for me. (But it isn't exclu-
sive — it contains everything else within itself; it doesn't exclude
all the other approaches, all the other contacts.)
You see, throughout my childhood and youth and the whole
beginning of my yoga, there was a sort of refusal in my being to
use the word "God," because of all the falsehood behind that word
(Sri Aurobindo rid me of that; in the same way he got rid of all limi-
tations, he rid me of that one too). But it's not a word that comes
to me spontaneously.
But Love.... At the moment of contact, when it goes like this
(gesture) — at that moment something surges up....
But the words don't matter, they're unimportant.
The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, May 31, 1962
The body was prepared
This body isn't even one that is unprepared. It had capabilities,
it was born with certain capabilities and was prepared for all kinds
10 All India Magazine, February 2025