Page 6 - All India Magazine Feb-2025
P. 6
at the centre of each thing upon the entire earth, and at the same
time I seem to stretch out immense, infinite arms and envelop
with a boundless tenderness all beings, clasped, gathered, nestled
on my breast that is vaster than the universe.... Words are poor
and clumsy, O divine Master, and mental transcriptions are always
childish.... But my aspiration to Thee is constant, and truly speak-
ing, it is very often Thou and Thou alone who livest in this body,
this imperfect means of manifesting Thee.
May all beings be happy in the peace of Thy illumination!
CWM 1: 81-82
The present incarnation
But with this present incarnation of the Mahashakti.... She is the
Supreme's first manifestation, creation's first stride, and it was She
who first gave form to all those beings. Now, since her incarnation
in the physical world, and through the position She has taken here
in relation to the Supreme by incarnating in a human body, all the
other worlds have been influenced, and influenced in an extremely
interesting way. I have been in contact with all those gods, all those
great beings, and for the most part their attitude has changed. And
even with those who didn't want to change, it has nonetheless in-
fluenced their way of being.
Human experience, with this direct incarnation of the Supreme,
is ultimately a unique experience, which has given a new orienta-
tion to universal history. Sri Aurobindo speaks of this — he speaks
of the difference between the Vedic era, the Vedic way of relating
to the Supreme, and the advent of Vedanta (I think it's Vedanta):
devotion, adoration, bhakti, the God within. Well, this aspect of rap-
port with the Supreme could exist only with man, because man is
a special being in universal History — the divine Presence is in him.
And several of those great gods have taken human bodies just to
have that. But not many of them — they were so fully aware of their
own perfect independence and their almightiness that they didn't
6 All India Magazine, February 2025