Page 6 - All India Magazine Jul-2024
P. 6

mony — even ultra-universal, in which the universe is only one part
        — then values change completely, completely....
            All things are so simple and at the same time so complex. ...
                             The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, July 5, 1967

        Sincerity and simplicity
            You see, it sounds like a child's prattling, because... The expres-
        sion of these present experiences isn't an intellectual expression
        at all, and to those who don't understand that it's the experience
        of the physical substance, of the cells, the most material form, it
        quite simply sounds like a child's prattling. It's an experience as
        a child might have, without the complications and explanations
        supplied by intellectual development.
            And this simplicity, this lack of complication and sophistica-
        tion, is what gives these things great value, in the sense that it
        gives them perfect sincerity and simplicity. In anything expressed
        mentally, vitally, intellectually, there is always more in the form,
        in the word, in the expression, more than in the experience — it
        gets enlarged and rounded out (!) What is said is more than what
        is meant to be said. While here, it's the perfectly pure experience,
        which feels the words as a sort of shrinking, a diminishing, and at
        the same time as bringing in a complication that doesn't exist in
        the experience — the experience is very simple, very simple: it is
        truly pure. And anything one says is like adding something that
        lessens its purity and simplicity.
            So, saying these things is good for oneself, it's good for some-
        one who is in the same "state of heart," but for the public...  (Mother
        shakes her head) it's doomed to incomprehension.
                            The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, Sept 17, 1966

        6                                All India Magazine , July 2024
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