Page 7 - All India Magazine Jul-2024
P. 7

Need for divine Simplicity
            There is a particular aspect of the creation (a very modern as-
        pect, maybe): a need to get out of disorder and confusion — of
        disharmony and confusion. A confusion, a disorder which assumes
        all forms, turns into struggles, pointless efforts and wasted en-
        ergy. It depends on which level you stand on, but materially, in
        action, it means unnecessary complications, wasted energy and
        materials, waste of time, incomprehension, misunderstanding,
        confusion, disorder — what in ancient days they called deforma-
        tion, crookedness in the Vedas (I don't know the French word for it,
        it's something crooked which, instead of shooting straight to the
        goal, weaves its way in sharp and unnecessary zigzags). It's one
        of the things farthest from the harmony of a purely divine action
        — which is something so simple.... It looks like child's play... and di-
        rect — direct, without those absurd and completely useless twists
        and turns. Well, it is clearly the same phenomenon: that disorder
        is a way to stimulate the need for pure and divine simplicity.
            The body feels strongly, very strongly that everything could be
        so simple, so simple!
            And for the being — that sort of individual aggregate — to
        be transformed, it needs in effect to grow simpler and simpler.
        All those complexities of Nature which man is now beginning to
        understand and study, which for the smallest thing are so complex
        (the smallest of our physical workings is the result of such a com-
        plex system that it's almost unthinkable... certainly it would be
        impossible for the human mind to think up and contrive all those
        things), are now being discovered by science. And it's quite plain
        to see that for the functioning to become divine, that is, to escape
        Disorder and Confusion, it must grow simpler and simpler.
                            The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, May 15, 1963

        All India Magazine, July 2024                            7
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