Page 13 - All India Magazine Jul-2024
P. 13

trying to overcome one of those mental constructions!
            If one can be like this, open — truly open in a simplicity... you
        know, the simplicity of ignorance that knows it's ignorant... like
        this (gesture, hands open), ready to receive all that comes... then,
        perhaps, something will happen.
            Naturally, the thirst for progress, the thirst to know, the thirst
        to transform yourself, and above all the thirst for Love and Truth —
        if you can keep that, then you go faster. Really a thirst, a need, you
        know, a need.... All the rest doesn't matter, what you need is that.
            To cling to what you think you know, to cling to what you feel,
        to cling to what you like, to cling to your habits, to cling to your
        so-called needs, to cling to the world as it is, that's what binds you
        hand and foot. You must undo all that, one thing after the other.
        Undo all the bonds.
            This has been said thousands of times, but people go on doing
        the same thing.... Even those who are, you know, very eloquent,
        who preach this to others, they cling — they cling to their own way
        of seeing, their own way of feeling, their own habit of progress,
        which to them is the only possible one.
            No more bonds — free, free, free, free! Always ready to change
        everything, except one thing: to aspire. That thirst.
            I quite understand: some people don't like the idea of a
        "Divine" because it immediately gets mixed up with all the European
        or Western conceptions (which are dreadful), and so it makes their
        lives a little bit more complicated — but we don't need that! The
        "something" we need, the Perfection we need, the Light we need,
        the Love we need, the Truth we need, the supreme Perfection we
        need — and that's all. The formulas... the fewer the formulas, the
        better. A need, a need, a need... that the Thing alone can satisfy,
        nothing else, no half measure. That alone. And then, move on! Move
        on! Your path will be your path, it doesn't matter; any path, any path
        whatever, even the follies of today's American youth can be a path,
        it doesn't matter.  The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, October 7, 1964

        All India Magazine, July 2024                           13
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