Page 16 - All India Magazine Jul-2024
P. 16

The only way to make life perfect — I mean here, life on earth,
        of course — is to look at it from high enough to see it as a whole,
        not only in its present totality, but in the whole of the past, pres-
        ent and future: what it has been, what it is and what it will be —
        one must be able to see everything at once. Because that is the
        only way to put everything in its place. Nothing can be eliminated,
        nothing should be eliminated, but each thing must be in its place
        in total harmony with all the rest. And then all these things that
        seem so “bad”, so “reprehensible”, so “unacceptable” to the puri-
        tan mind, would become movements of delight and freedom in a
        totally divine life. And then nothing would prevent us from know-
        ing, understanding, feeling and living this wonderful laughter of
        the Supreme who takes infinite delight in watching Himself live
                                                     CWM 10: 155-56

        Sun of divine laughter
            This delight, this wonderful laughter that dissolves every shad-
        ow, every pain, every suffering! You only have to go deep enough
        within yourself to find the inner Sun, to let yourself be flooded
        by it; and then there is nothing but a cascade of harmonious, lu-
        minous, sunlit laughter, which leaves no room for any shadow or
            In fact, even the greatest difficulties, even the greatest sor-
        rows, even the greatest physical pain — if you can look at them
        from that standpoint, from there, you see the unreality of the dif-
        ficulty, the unreality of the sorrow, the unreality of the pain — and
        there is nothing but a joyful and luminous vibration.
            In fact, this is the most powerful way of dissolving difficulties,
        overcoming sorrows and removing pain. The first two are relatively
        easy — I say relatively — the last one is more difficult because we
        are in the habit of considering the body and its feelings to be ex-
        tremely concrete, positive; but it is the same thing, it is simply be-

        16                               All India Magazine , July 2024
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