Page 18 - All India Magazine Aug-2024
P. 18

There would be a lot to say.... It depends on each case. I myself
        very much encouraged the practice of fencing because it gives
        you skill, control over your movements and discipline in violence—I
        very much encouraged fencing at one time. I learned how to shoot;
        I used to shoot with a rifle, because it gives you steadiness and skill
        and a very good eye; and it forces you to remain calm in the midst
        of danger. All these things are.... I don't see why one should be
        hopelessly nonviolent, it only makes a spineless character.
            Turn it into an art! An art for cultivating calm, skill and self-
        control. There's no need to cry out indignantly as Gandhi would.
        It's useless, useless, absolutely useless—I am not at all in favor of
        it! One should master the means of self-defense, and one should
        cultivate them in order to do so.
            Above all, make them understand that moral violence is just
        as bad as physical violence. It can even be worse, that is, at least
        physical violence forces you to become strong and control your-
        self, whereas moral violence is.... You may be like this [apparently
        quiet] and harbor the worst moral violence in yourself.
                        The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, February 18, 1973

        Krishna and the Gita
            There are four very great events in history, the siege of Troy,
        the life and crucifixion of Christ, the exile of Krishna in Brindavan
        and the colloquy with Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra. The siege
        of Troy created Hellas, the exile in Brindavan1 created devotional
        religion (for before there was only meditation and worship), Christ
        from his cross humanised Europe, the colloquy at Kurukshetra will
        yet liberate humanity. Yet it is said that none of these four events
        ever happened.

            (1) Were the meditation and worship of former times the same as
        those of today?

        18                            All India Magazine,  August 2024
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