Page 22 - All India Magazine Dec-2024
P. 22

Whatever  the  way  we  follow,  the  subject  we  study,  we  al-
        ways arrive at the same result. The most important thing for an
        individual is to unify himself around his divine centre; in that way
        he becomes a true individual, master of himself and his destiny.
        Otherwise, he is a plaything of forces that toss him about like a
        piece of cork on a river. He goes where he does not want to go, he
        is made to do things he does not want to do, and finally he falls
        into a hole without having the strength to hold on. But if you are
        consciously organised, unified around the divine centre, ruled and
        directed by it, you are master of your destiny. That is worth the
        trouble of attempting....
                                                      CWM 5: 137-38

        A dark and dangerous exit

             Why does one suffer when one commits suicide?

        Why does one commit suicide? Because one is a coward.... When
        one is cowardly one always suffers.
            In the next life one suffers again?

        The psychic being comes with a definite purpose to go through
        a set of experiences and to learn and make progress. Then if you
        leave before its work is finished it will have to come back to do it
        again under much more difficult conditions. So all that you have
        avoided in one life you will find again in another, and more diffi-
        cult. And even without leaving in this way, if you have difficulties
        to overcome in life, you have what we usually call a test to pass,
        you see; well, if you don’t pass it or turn your back upon it, if you
        go away instead of passing it, you will have to pass it another time
        and it will be much more difficult than before.
            Now people, you know, are extremely ignorant and they think
        that it is like this: there is life, and then death; life is a bunch of
        troubles, and then death is an eternal peace. But it is not at all

        22                          All India Magazine,  December 2024
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