Page 23 - All India Magazine Sep-2024
P. 23

Till all is done for which the stars were made,
               Till the heart discovers God
        And soul knows itself. And even then
               There is no end.
        CWSA 2: 643-44                                              Sri Aurobindo

                A Long Dim Preparation is Man's Life

            A long dim preparation is man’s life,
            A circle of toil and hope and war and peace
            Tracked out by Life on Matter’s obscure ground.

            In his climb to a peak no feet have ever trod,
            He seeks through a penumbra shot with flame
            A veiled reality half-known, ever missed,
            A search for something or someone never found,
            Cult of an ideal never made real here,
            An endless spiral of ascent and fall
            Until at last is reached the giant point
            Through which his Glory shines for whom we were made
            And we break into the infinity of God.

            Across our nature’s border line we escape
            Into Supernature’s arc of living light.

            Savitri: 24                                              Sri Aurobindo

        All India Magazine, September 2024                      23
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