Page 37 - All India Magazine Feb-2025
P. 37

There are some prayers of the Mother written before she came
            here in 1914 in which there are ideas of transformation and mani-
            festation. Did she have these ideas long before she came here?

        The Mother had been spiritually conscious from her youth, even
        from her childhood, upward and she had done sadhana and devel-
        oped this knowledge very long before she came to India.
                                                        CWSA 32:601

        The Mother's Music
            It is not by knowledge of music that the understanding [of
        the Mother's music] comes; nor is it by effort of the mind — it is by
        becoming inwardly silent, opening within and getting the sponta-
        neous feeling of what is in the music.
                                                     CWSA 32:571-72

        I feel within me a tendency for music, but I understand nothing of har-
        mony, tune and rhythm. Yet sometimes when I hear the Mother's music,
        I am spellbound and lose all sense of time.
            It is not necessary to have technical knowledge in order to feel
        what is behind the music. Mother of course does not play for the
        sake of a technical musical effect, but to bring down something
        from the higher planes and that anyone can receive who is open.
            When  I  entered  the  Mother's  room,  she  had  just  finished
        playing for a long time — that is why I did not expect her to play
        for me. The Mother has played music from her childhood upwards
        — so it is no trouble to her to sing or play several times.
            Why does my mind become so full of joy listening to the
        Mother's music? Today while listening to her play, my mind, my
        heart, my whole consciousness became full of peace and joy and
        then went high up somewhere.
            What else is the Mother's music except the bringing down
        of these things? She does not play or sing merely for the music's

        All India Magazine, February 2025                       37
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